UNGC Network Korea Workshop 2014
A workshop by UNGC Network in Korea was held on October 15, 2014 from 1:30 to 6pm at Seoul Global Center in Seoul. In this half-day affair, the ambassador of the UK opened it with his encouraging remarks and pointed out the necessity and strong implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Law and other anti-corruption laws and policies among companies to help curb corruption in the business sector.
The workshop included the following topics: Global Trends of Anti-Corruption and the UK Bribery Act, UNGC Anti-Bribery Management System, Corporate Policy (by POSCO), Compliance System (by GE Korea), Risk Assessment (by LG), and Corporate Culture (by Siemens Korea).
In additional to the topics, Professor Hyeong-Joo Moon (Korea University) talked about the causes and effects of corruption, and then moderated the Q&A part before the event concluded.