TIKorea Greetings

Greetings from the Chairperson

 Hello & Welcome!

Transparency International Korea (TI-K) is a non-governmental organisation which aims ‘to make a world in which the government, politics, business, civil society, and our daily lives free from corruption’. Our values are ‘transparency, accountability, solidarity, courage, justice, and democracy’.

TI-K was established on 24 August 1999 as a solidarity network of around 800 NGOs involved under the name ‘반부패국민연대’. Later, Transparency International (TI), an international anti-corruption organization with headquarters in Berlin, approved the organization and made it its national chapter.

Corruption is a serious problem worldwide. But especially in South Korea, considering how fast the political democratization and economic growth were made only over a decade ago, problems remain unsolved, and there is still a long way to go.

Hopefully, many attempts have been made to defeat corruption recently, and it is widely known that there are three ways to approach: 1) exposure and punishment, 2) policies and legal system, and 3) public perception.

However, as the past experience of Northern European countries shows, with better transparency, we must embrace all three methods. A government’s effort alone cannot defeat corruption, but government, business, and civil society must work together.

For 20 years, TI-K has worked hard to improve transparency in the country based on the experience of and the lessons learned from taking place in the international anti-corruption movement. This has subsequently made TI-K to, first, address an action plan to each sector of the society whilst, second, encouraging them to participate in collaboration activities to endorse those plans, instead of focusing on activities like investigating, exposing, and accusing individual matters.

Your feedback/suggestion/request/inquiry/or any provided resources (related to our organization) are all exceptionally valuable to TI-K. Your participation will vastly contribute to making our society more transparent and just.

TI-K is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation which is funded by membership fees and various types of donations. With the effort of the secretariat, the members’ active participation will make the organisation come alive. TI-K always look forward to having people who can share thoughts and participate as our member. Lastly, all donations will be used to help our society to be more transparent and just. Thank you.

Transparency International Korea, Co-chairpersons
Han Beom Yoo, Sang-Hak Lee, Toe Hyu
