transparency corporate reporting

Transparency in Corporate Reporting: Assessing South Korea’s Largest Companies                 Download Transparency in Corporate Reporting_Assessing South Koreas Largest Companies_2016 TI-Korea’s report evaluates the transparency of corporate reporting by Korea’s 50 largest publicly listed companies. The study assesses the disclosure practices of companies withRead More →

global corruption barometer 2013

Global Corruption Barometer 2013 Transparency International produced a report in 2013 measuring global corruption perception. This article is a short summary of the document.   The report presents TI’s survey of over 100 thousand respondents in 107 countries. The survey itself addresses the respondents’ local and immediate experiences with briberyRead More →

protecting climate finance

Protecting Climate Finance   This post is a brief description of the published Protecting Climate Finance by Transparency International in 2013.   The research is a follow-up of Transparency International’s 2011 Global Corruption Report on Climate Change which “highlighted the risks implicit in a funding landscape characterized by complexity andRead More →


 Transparency in Corporate Reporting   This post is a short summary of Transparency International’s report, Transparency in Corporate Reporting: Assessing the World’s Largest Companies (2014). The report is an evaluation of the “world’s 124 largest publicly listed companies” in terms of transparency.   “The report assesses the disclosure practices ofRead More →


Business Principles Business Principles For Countering Bribery A multi-stakeholder initiative led by Transparency International Business Principles is an initiative by Transparency International in collaboration with Social Accountability International. They first launch this Principle in 2003, revised in 2009 and this present revised 2013 third edition.   The Foreword of theRead More →


Curbing Corruption in Procurement Curbing Corruption in Procurement Curbing Corruption In Procurement is a guide for government officials, businesses and civil society for the risks of corruption in public procurement. The tool is a practical guide which outlines key principles and some standards that can help protect public contracting fromRead More →

“Moreover, corruption favors a particular class of people and creates inequality in opportunities. In addition to the shrinking of opportunities due to productivity retardation, inequality in opportunities, which is similar to income and wealth inequality, will lead to frustration and sociopolitical instability.”Read More →

The original meaning of corruption included “perversion or destruction of integrity”. However, corruption was defined narrowly as “the abuse of public position for private gain” in the early 1990s. The following discussions included similar misconducts in the private sector and indirect / legal forms of abuse of power as wellRead More →

Corruption Fighters' Tool Kit

This special issue for anti-corruption activities users includes collections of civil society experiences and some emerging methods and approaches when tackling corruption issues in various levels of the society. National Chapters of Transparency International and various civil society organizations globally contributed to this collaborative project.Read More →


Education is a fundamental human right and a major driver of human and economic development. Integrity in research underpins knowledge generation and evidence‐based policy‐making. Together, education and research shape the societies in which we live.Read More →


Youth Integrity Survey Results With the support from Transparency International-Secretariat (Berlin, Germany), TI-Korea (South) conducted the Youth Integrity Survey (YIS) between July and October 2012. Through the survey, TI-Korea found following key results: Young people in Korea are more likely to forgo values of integrity in the pursuit of wealthRead More →