TIKorea Greetings

 Hello & Welcome! Transparency International Korea (TI-K) is a non-governmental organisation which aims ‘to make a world in which the government, politics, business, civil society, and our daily lives free from corruption’. Our values are ‘transparency, accountability, solidarity, courage, justice, and democracy’. TI-K was established on 24 August 1999 asRead More →

TIKorea Ethics

Ethics Programs Transparency International-Korea Ethics Program TI Korea Ethics Program Documents ETHICAL POLICIES & GUIDELINES– Ethics Policy– Ethics Charter– Conflict of Interest Policy– Regulation on Ethics Committee HISTORY ETHICS ENACTMENT RECORD– Ethics Charter enacted on 30th August 2000– Conflict of Interest Policy enacted on 30th August 2000– Regulation on EthicsRead More →

Newspaper Reports on Corruption Anti-Corruption Drive http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2008/01/113_17525.html This is the 11th in a series of articles on suggestions to President-elect Lee Myung-bak. ― ED. By Kim Geo-sung Chairperson of Transparency International Korea Dear President-elect: A great improvement in the control of corruption and enhancement of transparency in every sector ofRead More →

Updates for 2008-2009 [Update]1% Movement TI-Korea http://ti.or.kr/xe/212731 2010.08.10 13:38:42 [1% Movement] TI Korea’s 1% Movement represents a vision to have one percent of Korea’s citizens publicly commit to work toward a transparent and corruption-free society. Its slogan is “Take Pride, Be Transparent”. As of December 2009, participants of the 1%Read More →

Transparency International-Korea (henceforth, TI Korea), a non-governmental organization, was founded on August 24, 1999 through a coalition of civil organization with a purpose “To raise greater awareness in people, to eliminate the widespread corruption in the society, and to contribute in building a righteous society through anti-corruption activities.” Our mainRead More →

TIK Vision and Values

TI-Korea Vision and Values Transparency: Transparency implies a willingness and an openness to communicate in a way that makes it easy for others to see what actions are being performed. Transparency also means removing all barriers that inhibit access to information. In this way, people or organizations can be heldRead More →

We would be glad to hear from you or visit our office if necessary. The contents of this page let you know some guides on exactly how to come to our place. Address: Transparency International Korea Chapter #1006 Pierson Building, 42, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-761, Korea (South) Telephone: +82-2-717-6211 /Read More →

OUR VISION A world in which government, politics, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free from corruption. We envision… A government with officials that truly act as civil servants, for being… models of integrity, transparent values, and service; provider of guidance and wisdom for upright governanceRead More →